Covering Tissues : Skin and Fascia
Without Skin Loss - Wounds not over the fracture site
Without Skin Loss - Wounds over the fracture site
With Skin Loss - Wounds not over the fracture site
With Skin Loss - Wounds over the fracture site
Circumferential wound with skin loss
Musculo-Tendinous, Nerve
Exposure of MT units without direct damage
Repairable injury to a MT unit
Crushing with loss or irreparable damage to MT unit/Repairable injury to a nerve
Loss of one compartment of MT unit / Irreparable injury to a nerve
Loss of two or more compartments / Subtotal amputation
Bone and Joints
Transverse or Oblique fractures with minimal periosteal stripping
Presence of unicortical comminution
Extensive periarticlular comminution with joint disorganization/ Segmental fracture
Circumferential bone loss of less than 4 cm
Circumferential bone loss of more than 4 cm
Co-morbid factors influencing outcome(Two points each)
Note : Please Tick all Co-morbid factors present